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Global Settings

To configure antivirus protection, open Proxy Settings / ClamAV Antivirus section as shown on the following screenshot.

ClamAV Antivirus Settings

Scan Mode

It is possible to configure the following three modes of antivirus protection.

Setting Description
Disabled Mode In this case all antivirus and antimalware protection are disabled. This is the default setting. If this mode is used, it is also recommended to disable automatic startup of the Web Filtering Antivirus service to minimize CPU and RAM usage on your server.
Targeted Mode In this case only potentially HTTP responses are scanned. Proxy performance is slightly affected by the antivirus and antimalware scanning. This is recommended mode. Decision to scan is based on MIME Content Type of the HTTP response.
Complete Mode In this mode all HTTP responses are scanned by the antivirus and antimalware component. Protection is at maximum but performance of the proxy might be degraded. It is recommended to have plenty of CPU and RAM resources on the proxy server if you choose to enable this mode.

Scan Size

The application accumulates in memory and then scans all HTTP responses up to the specific response size. By default, this is 10Mb. All responses of bigger size are let through without scanning.

Scan Size