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Methods to Generate the Secure Proxy Certificate

Before browsers can connect to our secure proxy, we must configure it with a valid certificate. This certificate will protect the connections from the browser to the proxy. The secure proxy certificate is no different from any valid web site certificate and can be obtained using the following methods.

Method of Generation Description
Admin UI In this case you would be using the Admin UI to automatically generate the secure proxy certificate. This is the most convenient and easy method.
Microsoft PKI Infrastructure In this case you would be using the native Microsoft Windows infrastructure to generate the certificate.
Third Party It is also possible to purchase or get for free the ready to use certificate from various third-party providers, for example or LetsEncrypt.
OpenSSL In this case you would be using OpenSSL toolkit to generate the certificate. This method requires using command line utilities and being somewhat proficient with command line.

Note that the secure web proxy certificate is NOT THE SAME as Root CA Certificate that you need to configure in order to perform the HTTPS decryption. These certificates have generally nothing to do with each other.