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Setup VPN Connection

Finally, we need to setup the VPN connection from our virtual network gateway in Azure to our local network gateway. In order to do that, navigate to your virtual network gateway, select Connections and click Add to add the new connection.

VPN Connection

The following table shows what we need to specify.

Setting Name Value
Name vpn-connection-to-local-network
Connection Type Site-to-Site (IPSec)
Virtual Network Gateway vpn-virtual-network-gateway
Local Network Gateway vpn-local-network-gateway
Shared Key (PSK) e.g. 1SharedSuperSecret!
Use Azure Private IP Not set
Enable BGP Not set
IKE Protocol IKEv1

Good the Azure part is now complete. We have the connection visible in the Virtual Network Gateway interface (note the status of the connection is still Connecting).

VPN Connection

Let us now move on-premises to configure our Cisco ASA.